New Share BMW: what this development reveals! ()

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The current analysis concerns BMW stock, which is listed in the “Automobile Manufacturer” section. The shares will be traded on 15 August 2022, 8: 27 pm on its home market Xetra for EUR 78.55.

We analyzed this stock in 7 points and assigned “Buy”, “Hold” and “Sell” ratings. At the end of the analysis you will get the overall rating result.

1. Technical analysis: The average closing price of BMW stock for the last 200 trading days is currently EUR 83.52. The last closing price (EUR 78.55) deviates by -5.95 percent, which corresponds to a “sell” rating from a technical point of view. Let’s look at the averages from the last 50 trading days. At this value (EUR 77.03), the final closing price is close to the moving average (+1.97 percent). In this case, the BMW part is rated differently, specifically the “hold” rating. The bottom line is that the BMW segment receives a “hold” rating with a simple chart approach.

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2. Emotions and buzz: Bmw can also be observed and evaluated over a longer period of time in relation to the number of verbal contributions (discussion volume) and the degree of change in emotions. This allows some interesting conclusions to be drawn about the long-term situation of the last few months. Mainly: The stock has given normal activity on the Internet. This indicates moderate debate intensity and warrants a “Hold” rating. The rate of climate change shows little change, which corresponds to the assessment as a “hold” value. In the overall assessment, Bmw’s rating at this point is: “Sell”.

3. Dividend: The dividend yield is calculated from the dividend paid and the relevant price. BMW currently has a dividend yield of 7.36%. This yield is higher than the industry average (“Automotive”) of 6.02%. With a difference of only 1.34 percentage points, this results in a “Buy” rating with respect to the distributed dividend.