Publication of initial research study: 09/09/2022/ 15: 24/ GMT First transmission of initial research study: 09/09/2022/ 15: 24/ GMT
Note: Information on the disclosure responsibility in case of disputes of interest within the significance of Article 85 (1) WpHG, Art. 20 VO (EU) 596/2014 for the stated analysis business can be discovered at http://web. dpa-afx. de/offenlegungspflicht/disclosure _ obligation.html.
Shares of the Mercedes-Benz Group on the Lang & Schwarz stock market have actually increased by +3.10% to 58.24 EUR reached.
Research Institute: UBS
Analyst: Patrick Hummel
Company evaluated: Mercedes-Benz Group
Share a brand-new category: favorable
The objective of the brand-new course: 80
Objective of the old course: 80
Currency: EUR
period: 12 m