Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Inc., just recently revealed an automatic system to react to push queries through Twitter. The saucy reaction system, which he revealed on August 16 th, is developed to offer press reporters with fundamental details about the most recent Tesla news and statements.
The system is an action to a deluge of press questions on the popular social networks platform. The automatic system is set off by a tweet with the hashtag #TeslaPress, which Musk then reacts to with a short message that offers links to the current news release and other pertinent info.
The automatic system is a departure from the basic practices of the majority of business, which generally depend on human customer support agents to respond to media questions. Musk’s system is an effort to improve the procedure of responding to press questions, maximizing resources for more vital jobs.
Musk’s system likewise integrates a little bit of humor into its actions. When asked about an approaching statement, the system reacts: “We’ll keep you published on this and other amazing news from Tesla. In the meantime, you can constantly rely on Elon for an excellent laugh.”
The automatic system is a special method to reacting to push questions, and it seems working. Musk’s amusing automatic action system is winning appreciation from press reporters and reporters, who have admired its performance and humor.
While it’s uncertain if other business will do the same, Musk’s automatic action system is a fascinating example of how innovation can be utilized to enhance client service queries. With its performance and funny bone, it might be a design for other business seeking to improve their client service operations.